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Stuck in a Property Chain

Are you stuck in a chain? We here at Home House Buyers can help you break the chain once and for all and allow you to move into your dream property.

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  • We pay all fees
Home House Buyers

We speak to many vendors on a daily basis who are fed up with the open market as they are stuck in a property chain and not able to purchase their next property. Sometimes these chains can be four of five links down meaning you are you needed every simple person in the chain to be approved on their finance and for each to not experience a hiccup along the way. This is not only highly unlikely, but it’s also makes moving house a very stressful experience as you don’t know if you are actually going to complete.

We Buy Any House Manchester | Sell House Fast
deprived areas of london

Why Sell to us

With the housing market being slow in some areas people are being forced to spend long periods of time on the market. Many feel there only option is to accept an offer from someone who is stuck in a chain. We here at Home House Buyers say there is another solution to being stuck in a chain and that is to sell to a quick house buyer like ourselves. We can offer you a completion with 14 days and we pay all the fees in the process.

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    Get in Touch

    Even if you are stuck in a chain with your commercial property then we can help by putting forward a cash offer on whatever commercial unit you have as we buy: – shops, flats, farms, pubs, offices, shed, plots and also land.

    If you need to sell your property fast due to being stuck in a chain then please call a member of our quick house buyer team on our free phone number 0800 612 1366 or alternatively you can drop us an Email Us

    Looking to sell fast? Fill out the form below and a representative will be in contact shortly. Alternatively call us on 0800 612 1366, or email

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